Sunday, July 28, 2019

Back Where You Came From

Hey nigger, kike, raghead, spic, cracker, coolie, dago, frog, gook, mick, kaffir, kraut, limey, paki, redskin, honky, wog, gringo, gypsy, coolie, monkey and goy. GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.

Oddly that would be here. The United States. It's where WE come from so lighten up. The worst slur I could possibly direct toward you would be "humorless".

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Looking For A Replacement Dog

Dear Sarah McLachlan,

My good and loyal puppy Moto passed away Saturday after nearly 16 years of being a good and loyal puppy.

Please send me one of those frozen dogs you're always singing about on those wretched commercials you voice over during my dinner time. Make it a cute one and please stop your fucking whining and ruining my pot roast.

