LEXINGTON, KY (API) – In what campaign staffers are calling
a “breakthrough moment” presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden
stepped up to the microphone at a rare campaign stop Thursday and was able to remember
his entire name without the help of teleprompters.
“It was amazing”, said assistant campaign manager Hadley
Dustin-Martin. “It was a moment that we
never actually hoped for. Knowing the
teleprompter wasn’t working we expect disaster but he came through for us.
“With this development the sky is the limit”
“When he said his whole name correctly tears came to my
eyes,” said rally attendee Kevin Strockman.
“This is the man to rid us of Donald Trump”.
Dustin-Martin said that she has high hopes for Biden.
“I sincerely believe that by November 3 we will be able to
teach him the difference between his asshole and a hole in the ground,” she