Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Georgia-Pacific Scores Legal Victory

ATLANTA (AIP) – Georgia-Pacific Consumer Productions Corporation, parent company of Brawny Paper Towels, scored a major product protection victory in the United States District Court when that court granted injunctive relief to the company in its suit against Rome, GA, resident Milley Crawford, who the company claims has been misusing it’s product.

“Thankfully the Court realized that our products need to be protected,” said Georgia-Pacific lead counsel Christopher Winegalze.

In late August or 2013, Rome, Ga., resident Michael Clayton, Crawford’s boyfriend at the time, contacted the company and complained about Crawford’s misuse of Brawny Paper Towels.

“She’d leave me notes on the counter all the time,” said Clayton. “She’d write them on sheets of Brawny. You know, ‘I love you’ or ‘Hope your day went well’. At first I found it endearing and cute, but then it got out of control.

“I’d come home from work and there would be a 30-sheet note from her on the kitchen counter and another empty brown cardboard tube in the paper towel holder. She’d use a Sharpe to write occasionally, which would bleed through the paper towel and stain the counter.”

By July of 2013, Clayton had finally had enough.

“We’d had a fight the night before and when I got home there was what amounted to a manifesto piled up next to the sink,” said Clayton. “Bitch went through a complete double roll. That’s when I made the call.”

After being alerted about the misuse of its product, Winegalze immediately file for relief in the US District Court.

“Back in 2001 we had to do pretty much the same thing to stop 12-year old Billy McCallister from fashioning our paper towels into spitballs,” said Winegalze. “I mean, it says right on the label that it’s to be used for washing, wiping and drying only.”

Crawford declined comment for this story.


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