Thursday, April 19, 2018

Local Man Tells All About Breakup

CHIEFLAND, FL (AIP) - Telling reporters that it's taken him a long time to come to grips with the breakup, Circle K assistant manager and local resident Andy Rawl said he is finally ready to talk about his former relationship with recording artist Fergie.

"A couple months after we broke up she came out with that damn song," said Rawl (Big Girls Don't Cry. )

"Right away I had people stopping me on the street going 'Hey, you're that prick that hurt Fergie. What an asshole Dude. You ought to kill yourself.'

"It hurt man. It really hurt."

Rawl told reporters that he's ready to leave that part of his past behind.

"Neither the song nor the video happen to mention how her damn mom was always hanging around, telling me that I wasn't good enough for her daughter," said Rawl, becoming visibly angry. "And those guys in the band would come over and hang out and drink my beer, never offering to refill the fridge.

"I mean those guys would take nasty shits in the bathroom and never even flush. Filthy bastards."

And he wasn't done revealing secrets.

"You know at the beginning of that video when she's counting down the beat and the keyboardist is showing her his fingers?" asked Rawl. "Well that wasn't 'art'. The bitch couldn't count without a visual aid."

Rawl said he has moved on with his life.

"I'm dating Angie over at the Huddle Hut Restaurant," said Rawl. "She's cool and she's not writing deeply revealing hack job, man-hating, lesbian inspired bubblegum pop about the best damn thing she ever had."

Rawl visibly wavered on the podium before continuing.

"Damn it guys, that bitch stole my 2016 'Stang. I'm still making payments on it," said Rawl. "And Fergie, don't 'take it personal 'cause it has nothing to do with you' but I'm getting my car back bitch.

"Oh yeah, I also fucked your best friend".

"Ya'll come back next week," Rawl told reporters, "and I'll tell you about my break up with that bitch Alanis Morissette."

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Fixer Upper New Season In The Works

WACO, TX (AIP) - Chip and Joanna Gains, popular hosts of television's home upgrade show Fixer Upper have announced this season's sole concentration will be on the new, hot "style de bande dessinée" style.

"It's all the rage and both Chip and I are really excited," Joanna told reporters at a news conference Monday. "It's simple yet elegant."

"Style de bande dessinée" is French for "Cartoon Style".

"A room generally centers around an amorphous blue or red couch, maybe a brown wood table, a floor lamp that is never actually on and something indefinable hanging on the wall," Gaines told reporters.

"Imagine every living room the Scooby Doo kids were ever in and you've got the general idea."

Martin Shriner, the season's first Fixer Upper client, was thrilled with the new look of his home.

"It's amazing," said Shriner. "It's like living in every cartoon I ever saw as a child and it came in incredibly under budget."

"We save a lot of our client's money because cartoon homes never have working bathrooms or kitchens. Cartoon characters never eat or crap so we don't worry about those two rooms."

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rules Committee Disqualifies Reed

AUGUSTA, GA (AIP) - Citing an obsure rule in its club bylaws the Rules Committee at the Augusta Golf Club disqualified third round leader in the Masters Golf Tournament Patrick Reed from further competition early Sunday.

"Our club has many time honoured and respected rules," said Augusta Golf Club spokesman Conner Blake-Snyder. "One of the most historic and important is that no fat, dumpy fucks can win.

"So Reed is out."

Golf fans everywhere were in complete agreement.

"Have you seen Reed?", asked casual golf fan Mike Jensen of Roanoke, VA. "The guy is a walking tragedy. His belly shakes like jello under his shirt. The fat fuck doesn't deserve to win.

"We need a Rory or Dustin. Those are sharp looking guys."

The tournament coninues later today.