Friday, December 21, 2018

Acosta Reveals Trump Wall Plan

JUAREZ, MEXICO (AIP) - CNN's Jim Acosta, in a stunning exclusive, has learned that President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence, working alone and in secret and late at night, have laid more than 270 miles of a border fence between the United States and Mexico.

"Mike and I have come down here nightly for like three months," Trump told Acosta. "Mike mixes the concrete while I set the posts. Already finished 270 miles and nearly done with 'Operation Nancy'. Tomorrow we start the second 400 miles in 'Operation Chuck'."

According to Acosta, the Trump-Pence team working alone with no funding and poor shovels has already stopped over 7,000 asylum seekers in just three months of labor.

"Well, Mike has to use that old shovel to stir the mix and setting these steel poles and stringing wire has about worn my gloves out," Trump told Acosta. "But if I go to Walmart and get new stuff Pelosi will open another investigation.

"Yeah, we've both got blisters and Pence's old lady thinks he's stepping out because he isn't home at night but damn it Jim, I promised the people I'd build this wall. So here we are, doing it alone I guess."

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