Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Filmmaker Michael Moore Promotes New Documentary

(photo courtsey of Master Photographer Danny K)

LAS VEGAS (AIP) – Documentary film maker Michael Moore, whose insightfulness, slick editing and cunning manipulation of the facts has made him a darling of Hollywood intelligentsia decided to take a quick nap while speaking to reporters on his way home from picking up a bag of burgers at the White Castle after attending a session of the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas on Tuesday.

“Time for Mr. Michael to catch some Z’s,” said Moore, who made himself comfortable propped up against a wall. “Genius occasionally has to saw some logs. Hell, it’s been a tough day.”

Moore is promoting his new film Hate Speech In America, which utilizes the aggressive interviewing of unsuspecting and unprepared non-spokespeople to zero in on the increasing number of individuals who are condemning radical Islamic fundamentalism in the United States.

“We’re pretty much begging these peaceful and deeply religious folks to cut off our heads in righteous indignation,” Moore said earlier. “I’m going to kick the shit out of the hate speech folks, just like I nailed Kmart in the Colombine thing,”

As Moore fell into a deep sleep he became unresponsive to reporters, who were forced to slap him into a semi-comatose state to complete the interview.

“It ain’t easy boys,” said Moore. “Manipulating the facts down to the point where they back my social position is like trying to put a six foot corpse into a two foot square Samsonite suitcase. It can be done, but you gotta cut some parts off.

“It sure isn’t easy to be the Leni Riefenstahl for the Left,” said Moore, falling back into what reporters agreed appeared a very self satisfied sleep.


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